• The probabilities assigned to various events depend on

    • what is known about the experimental situation
    • when the assignment is made.
  • Subsequent to the initial assignment, partial information relevant to the outcome of the experiment may become available.

  • Such information may cause us to revise some of our probability assignments.

  • For a particular event ,

    • we have used to represent the probability, assigned to ;
    • we now think of as the original, or unconditional probability, of the event .
  • In this section, we examine how the information “an event has occurred” affects the probability assigned to .

  • For example, might refer to an individual having a particular disease in the presence of certain symptoms.

    • If a blood test is performed on the individual and the result is negative ,
    • then the probability of having the disease will change
      • it should decrease, but not usually to zero, since blood tests are not infallible
  • We will use the notation to represent the conditional probability of given that the event has occurred.

    • is the “conditioning event.”


As an example,

  • consider the event that
    • a randomly selected student at your university obtained all desired classes during the previous term’s registration cycle.
  • Presumably is not very large.
  • However, suppose the selected student is an athlete who gets special registration priority (the event ).
  • Then should be substantially larger than ,
    • although perhaps still not close to 1 .

EX 2.24

  • In Equation (2.2), the conditional probability is expressed as a ratio of unconditional probabilities:
    • The numerator is the probability of the intersection of the two events,
    • whereas the denominator is the probability of the conditioning event .
  • A Venn diagram illuminates this relationship (Figure 2.8).

Figure 2.8 Motivating the definition of conditional probability Figure 2.8

  • Given that has occurred, the relevant sample space
    • is no longer
    • but consists of outcomes in ;
  • has occurred if and only if
    • one of the outcomes in the intersection occurred,
  • so the conditional probability of given is proportional to .
  • The proportionality constant is used to ensure that
    • the probability of the new sample space equals 1 .

2.4.1 The Definition of Conditional Probability

2.4.2 The Multiplication Rule for union of two sets

2.4.3 Bayes’ Theorem

EXERCISES Section 2.4 (45-69)