- The notion of independence of two events can be generalized to collections of more than two events.
- Although it is possible to extend the definition for two independent events by working in terms of conditional and unconditional probabilities,
- it is more direct and less cumbersome to proceed along the lines of the last proposition.
mutually independent
Events are mutually independent if for
- every
- every subset of indices ,
- To paraphrase the definition, the events are mutually independent
- if the probability of the intersection of any subset of the events is equal to the product of the individual probabilities.
- In using the multiplication property for more than two independent events, it is legitimate to replace one or more of the ‘s by their complements
- e.g., if , and are independent events, so are , and .
- As was the case with two events, we frequently specify at the outset of a problem the independence of certain events.
- The probability of an intersection can then be calculated via multiplication.