- 4.1 Probability Density Functions
- 4.2 Cumulative Distribution Functions and Expected Values
- 4.3 The Normal Distribution
- 4.4 The Exponential and Gamma Distributions
- 4.5 Other Continuous Distributions
- 4.6 Probability Plots
- Bibliography
Chapter 3 concentrated on the development of probability distributions for discrete random variables. In this chapter, we consider the second general type of random variable that arises in many applied problems. 4.1 Probability Density Functions and 4.2 Cumulative Distribution Functions and Expected Values present the basic definitions and properties of continuous random variables and their probability distributions. In 4.3 The Normal Distribution, we study in detail the normal random variable and distribution, unquestionably the most important and useful in probability and statistics. 4.4 The Exponential and Gamma Distributions and 4.5 Other Continuous Distributions discuss some other continuous distributions that are often used in applied work. In 4.6 Probability Plots, we introduce a method for assessing whether given sample data is consistent with a specified distribution.