- When we say that an individual’s test score was at the 85th percentile of the population, we mean that
- of all population scores were below that score and were above.
- Similarly, the 40th percentile is the score that
- exceeds of all scores and is exceeded by of all scores
- having a value corresponding to a high percentile is not necessarily good;
- e.g., you would not want to be at the 99th percentile for blood alcohol content
Let be a number between 0 and 1. The th percentile of the distribution of a continuous rv , denoted by , is defined by
According to Expression (4.2), is that value on the measurement axis such that
- of the area under the graph of lies to the left of
- lies to the right.
Thus , the 75 th percentile, is such that
- the area under the graph of to the left of is .75.
Figure 4.10 illustrates the definition.
Figure 4.10 The th percentile of a continuous distribution
The median of a continuous distribution, denoted by , is the 50th percentile, so satisfies That is, half the area under the density curve is to the left of and half is to the right of .
A continuous distribution whose pdf is symmetric
- the graph of the pdf to the left of some point is a mirror image of the graph to the right of that point-has median equal to the point of symmetry, since half the area under the curve lies to either side of this point.
Figure 4.12 gives several examples. The error in a measurement of a physical quantity is often assumed to have a symmetric distribution.
Figure 4.12 Medians of symmetric distributions