For a discrete random variable , was obtained by summing over possible values. Here we replace summation by integration and the pmf by the pdf to get a continuous weighted average.
expected value
The expected or mean value of a continuous rv with is
EX 4.10 expected value of EX 4.9
When the pdf specifies a model for the distribution of values in a numerical population, then is the population mean, which is the most frequently used measure of population location or center.
Often we wish to compute the expected value of some function of the rv . If we think of as a new rv , techniques from mathematical statistics can be used to derive the pdf of , and can then be computed from the definition. Fortunately, as in the discrete case, there is an easier way to compute .
expected value of function
If is a continuous with and is any function of , then
That is, just as is a weighted average of possible values, where
- the weighting function is the pdf ,
- is a weighted average of values.
In the discrete case, the variance of was defined as the expected squared deviation from and was calculated by summation. Here again integration replaces summation.
The variance of a continuous random variable with and mean value is
The standard deviation (SD) of is
The variance and standard deviation give quantitative measures of how much spread there is in the distribution or population of values. Again is roughly the size of a typical deviation from . Computation of is facilitated by using the same shortcut formula employed in the discrete case.