The 99th percentile of the standard normal distribution is that value on the horizontal axis such that the area under the curve to the left of the value is .9900. Appendix Table A. 3 gives for fixed the area under the standard normal curve to the left of , whereas here we have the area and want the value of . This is the “inverse” problem to ? so the table is used in an inverse fashion: Find in the middle of the table .9900; the row and column in which it lies identify the 99th percentile. Here .9901 lies at the intersection of the row marked 2.3 and column marked .03, so the 99th percentile is (approximately) . (See Figure 4.17.)
Figure 4.17 Finding the 99th percentile
By symmetry, the first percentile is as far below 0 as the 99th is above 0, so equals lies below the first and also above the 99th). (See Figure 4.18.)
Figure 4.18 The relationship between the 1st and 99th percentiles