According to the article “Predictive Model for Pitting Corrosion in Buried Oil and Gas Pipelines” (Corrosion, 2009: 332-342), the lognormal distribution has been reported as the best option for describing the distribution of maximum pit depth data from cast iron pipes in soil. The authors suggest that a lognormal distribution with and is appropriate for maximum pit depth of buried pipelines. For this distribution, the mean value and variance of pit depth are
The probability that maximum pit depth is between 1 and is
This probability is illustrated in Figure 4.31 (from Minitab).
Figure 4.31 Lognormal density curve with and
What value is such that only of all specimens have a maximum pit depth exceeding ? The desired value satisfies
The critical value 2.33 captures an upper-tail area of , and thus a cumulative area of .99 . This implies that
from which and . Thus 8.247 is the 99th percentile of the maximum pit depth distribution.