The probability that the observed value of a continuous rv lies in a one-dimensional set (such as an interval) is obtained by integrating the pdf over the set . Similarly, the probability that the pair of continuous rv’s falls in a two-dimensional set (such as a rectangle) is obtained by integrating a function called the joint density function.

joint probability density function

Let and be continuous rv’s. A joint probability density function for these two variables is a function satisfying and . Then for any two-dimensional set

In particular, if is the two-dimensional rectangle , then

We can visualize as specifying a surface at height above the point in a three-dimensional coordinate system. Then is the volume underneath this surface and above the region , analogous to the area under a curve in the case of a single rv. This is illustrated in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 volume under density surface above 0192609f-6f5c-74c9-8588-c1ef28b2184d_3_935_1684_593_299_0.jpg


The marginal pdf of each variable can be obtained in a manner analogous to what we did in the case of two discrete variables. The marginal pdf of at the value results from holding fixed in the pair and integrating the joint pdf over . Integrating the joint pdf with respect to gives the marginal pdf of .

marginal probability density functions

The marginal probability density functions of and , denoted by and , respectively, are given by

EXAMPLE 5.4 (EX 5.3 continued)

In Example 5.3, the region of positive joint density was a rectangle, which made computation of the marginal pdf’s relatively easy. Consider now an example in which the region of positive density is more complicated.