Anyone who purchases an insurance policy for a home or automobile must specify a deductible amount, the amount of loss to be absorbed by the policyholder before the insurance company begins paying out. Suppose that a particular company offers auto deductible amounts of \ {100},$ {500}$ {1000}$ {500},$ {1000}$ {2000}$. Consider randomly selecting someone who has both auto and homeowner insurance with this company, and let

  • the amount of the auto policy deductible
  • the amount of the homeowner policy deductible.

The joint pmf of these two variables appears in the accompanying joint probability table:


According to this joint pmf, there are nine possible pairs: , , and finally . The probability of is Clearly , and it is easily confirmed that the sum of the nine displayed probabilities is 1.

The probability is computed by summing over the two pairs for which the two deductible amounts are identical:

Similarly, the probability that the auto deductible amount is at least $500 is the sum of all probabilities corresponding to pairs for which ; this is the sum of the probabilities in the bottom two rows of the joint probability table: