If represent the lifetimes of components, the components operate independently of one another, and each lifetime is exponentially distributed with parameter , then for ,

Suppose a system consisting of these components will fail as soon as a single component fails. Let represent system lifetime. Then the probability that the system lasts past time is


which shows that system lifetime has an exponential distribution with parameter ; the expected value of system lifetime is .

A variation on the foregoing scenario appeared in the article “A Method for Correlating Field Life Degradation with Reliability Prediction for Electronic Modules” (Quality and Reliability Engr. Intl., 2005: 715-726). The investigators considered a circuit card with soldered chip resistors. The failure time of a card is the minimum of the individual solder connection failure times (mileages here). It was assumed that the solder connection failure mileages were independent, that failure mileage would exceed if and only if the shear strength of a connection exceeded a threshold , and that each shear strength was normally distributed with a mean value and standard deviation that depended on the value of mileage and (a weld’s shear strength typically deteriorates and becomes more variable as mileage increases). Then the probability that the failure mileage of a card exceeds is

The cited article suggested values for and the ’s based on data. In contrast to the exponential scenario, normality of individual lifetimes does not imply normality of system lifetime.