The family of Weibull distributions was introduced by the Swedish physicist Waloddi Weibull in 1939; his 1951 article “A Statistical Distribution Function of Wide Applicability” (J. of Applied Mechanics, vol. 18: 293-297) discusses a number of applications.
Weibull distribution
A random variable is said to have a Weibull distribution with shape parameter and scale parameter if the pdf of is
In some situations, there are theoretical justifications for the appropriateness of the Weibull distribution, but in many applications simply provides a good fit to observed data for particular values of and . When , the pdf reduces to the exponential distribution (with ), so the exponential distribution is a special case of both the gamma and Weibull distributions. However, there are gamma distributions that are not Weibull distributions and vice versa, so one family is not a subset of the other. Both and can be varied to obtain a number of different-looking density curves, as illustrated in Figure 4.28.
Figure 4.28 Weibull density curves
Integrating to obtain and yields
\mu = {\beta \Gamma }\left( {1 + \frac{1}{\alpha }}\right)$$ $${\sigma }^{2} = {\beta }^{2}\left\{ {\Gamma \left( {1 + \frac{2}{\alpha }}\right) - {\left\lbrack \Gamma \left( 1 + \frac{1}{\alpha }\right) \right\rbrack }^{2}}\right\}The computation of and thus necessitates using the gamma function.
The integration is easily carried out to obtain the cdf of .
cdf of Weibull rv
The cdf of a Weibull rv having parameters and is
In practical situations, a Weibull model may be reasonable except that the smallest possible value may be some value not assumed to be zero (this would also apply to a gamma model; see Exercise 66). The quantity can then be regarded as a third (threshold or location) parameter of the distribution, which is what Weibull did in his original work. For, say, , all curves in Figure 4.28 would be shifted 3 units to the right. This is equivalent to saying that has the pdf (4.11), so that the cdf of is obtained by replacing in (4.12) by .