An understanding of the volumetric properties of asphalt is important in designing mixtures which will result in high-durability pavement. The article “Is a Normal Distribution the Most Appropriate Statistical Distribution for Volumetric Properties in Asphalt Mixtures?” (J. of Testing and Evaluation, Sept. 2009: 1-11) used the analysis of some sample data to recommend that for a particular mixture, air void volume (%) be modeled with a three-parameter Weibull distribution. Suppose the values of the parameters are , and (quite close to estimates given in the article).
For , the cumulative distribution function is
The probability that the air void volume of a specimen is between and is
Figure 4.29 shows a graph from Minitab of the corresponding Weibull density function in which the shaded area corresponds to the probability just calculated.
Figure 4.29 Weibull density curve with threshold , shape , scale