The importance of the sample mean springs from its use in drawing conclusions about the population mean . Some of the most frequently used inferential procedures are based on properties of the sampling distribution of . A preview of these properties appeared in the calculations and simulation experiments of the previous section, where we noted relationships between and and also among , and .


Let be a random sample from a distribution with

  • mean value
  • standard deviation .


  1. and

In addition, with (the sample total),

  • ,
  • ,
  • .

Proofs of these results are deferred to the next section. According to Result 1, the sampling (i.e., probability) distribution of is centered precisely at the mean of the population from which the sample has been selected. Result 2 shows that the distribution becomes more concentrated about as the sample size increases. In marked contrast, the distribution of becomes more spread out as increases. Averaging moves probability in toward the middle, whereas totaling spreads probability out over a wider and wider range of values. The standard deviation is often called the standard error of the mean; it describes the magnitude of a typical or representative deviation of the sample mean from the population mean.