The simulation experiment of Example 5.23 indicated that when the population distribution is normal, a histogram of values for any sample size is well approximated by a normal curve.

sum of sample from normal distribution

Let be a random sample from a normal distribution with

  • mean
  • standard deviation .

Then for any ,

  • is normally distributed with
    • mean
    • standard deviation
  • as is with
    • mean
    • standard deviation

We know everything there is to know about the and distributions when the population distribution is normal.
In particular, probabilities such as and can be obtained simply by standardizing. Figure 5.15 illustrates the part of the proposition.

Figure 5.15 A normal population distribution and sampling distributions 0192609f-6f5c-74c9-8588-c1ef28b2184d_33_675_1612_972_414_0.jpg

  • A proof of the result for when is possible using the method in Example 5.22, but the details are messy. The general result is usually proved using a theoretical tool called a moment generating function. One of the chapter references can be consulted for more information.